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Jersey City Dental Crowns

JC Dental and Implant Studio, located in downtown Jersey City, has the most up-to-date equipment available. Our experienced staff and ultra-clean and modern office put our patients at ease when they come in for dental work. We provide a variety of services for residents of Jersey City and the surrounding area, including dental crowns.

A crown is a cap for a damaged tooth that will improve your appearance in a manner that looks very natural. A crown can also improve the function of your tooth. Talk to us about your options so we can outline the best options for you.

What to Expect

The first step involves preparing your tooth so the crown will fit. A digital scan will create your mold for your crown. In some cases you will receive a temporary crown until your actual crown is ready.

On a second visit your dentist will fit the crown properly and then permanently cement it in place. You’ll walk away looking great.

Our team in Jersey City will partner with you to improve your overall health as well as your oral health. We want to ensure healthy, satisfied patients. Contact us today for an appointment.
